In between the rich valleys of Okanagan, you will find beautiful and colorful fields of flowers. You will also find wine grapes as well as a mixture of other fruits. These fields of flora are balanced perfectly with the lakes and rivers in the area. If you take a trip to the southernmost point of the region, you can learn about all of the endangered flora and fauna in the area.
It is important to keep in mind that Okanagan has a very dry climate. This makes preserving water important if you are going to manage a garden. There are lots of beautiful gardens in Okanagan, so there is no reason why you could not have one if you wanted one too.
The Xeriscape Gardens
Xeriscape Gardens are some of the most water-efficient gardens in all of Okanagan. Summerland Ornamental Gardens, for example, is just 15 minutes to the south of Summerland. It is a beautiful garden with a breathtaking view of natural pieces of beauty including the Trout Creek Bridge, the Giant's Head Mountain, and Okanagan Lake.
Elysium Gardens
You can find the Elysium Gardens in Kelowna and they are just as beautiful. Did you know that this was once an apple orchard? The oldest row of apple trees has been preserved to this day within the garden. This is a Japanese inspired garden. There are tons of perennials and herbs. It is an organic and water-efficient garden.
Okanagan Lavender Herb Farm
The Okanagan Lavender Herb Farm is also located in Kelowna. This garden has more than 60 different types of lavender in it. It is a beautiful and pleasantly smelling garden for anyone who enjoys lavender and the color purple.
This list only begins to scratch the surface on the gardens you can find and enjoy in Okanagan.
Posted by Gillian Krol Personal Real Estate Corporation on
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